My research interests include mLearning, design frameworks, and online collaboration.


June 2023

Winrock International

  • I volunteered to deliver two weeks of workshops in Lagos, Nigeria, through Winrock International, a nonprofit leader in U.S. and international development. These workshops focused on online education and blended learning, covering tools such as Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Mentimeter, Google Sites, Google Classroom, Jamboard, Canva, and Flip.

  • Learn more here.


January 2015 – August 2018

eLearning Institute (Penn State University, College of Arts and Architecture) 

  • I worked as a graduate assistant researching digital and instructional technologies in the arts and designing for selected research initiatives.

  • Past Project: Virtual Design Studios.

January 2015 – May 2018

Augmented and Mobile Learning Research Group

  • I was part of a research team at Penn State University that examined pedagogies and designs for supporting learning with mobile computers. Perspective combines informal, place-based, and technologically enhanced learning theories to create learner-centered environments deployed on mobile computers.

  • Past project: Tree Investigators, which supports children and families in learning science together during out-of-school time.

  • To learn more, visit our website.

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May 2014 – May 2015

Competency Research: Instructional Design

  • I examined the ten training and development Areas of Expertise (AOE) to ensure accuracy and make the necessary changes to maintain the model’s integrity.

  • The publication was released in May 2015 and sponsored by ATD (Association for Talent Development) and IACET (International Association for Continuing Education and Training). Full report.



Pastore, R., Asino, T., Briskin, J. (June 2019). The effects of the multimedia, modality, and redundancy principles in a computer-based environment on adult learners. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 10(2), 49-61. Link:

Briskin, J. & Land, S. M. (June 2019). Using A virtual design studio to support collaborative studio instruction. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Lyon, France. Link:

Chinn, G., Briskin, J., Land, S.M., & Priddy, J. (2017). Studio approximations: Digital tools in service of signature pedagogies. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 2 (2), 128-138.

Land, S. M., Zimmerman, H. T., Maggiore, C., Kim, S. H. and Briskin, J. (2017, June). Collaborative sense-making in a tablet-mediated informal, place-based learning environment. Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.

Pastore, R., Briskin, J., Asino, T. (2016). The multimedia principle: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 13(11). 17-30.

*Paino, M. & Briskin, J. (2012, July). Emerging Professionals Committee: A commitment to the future – The development of the NSPI/ISPI historical timeline. Performance Improvement Journal, 51, 6. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley Periodicals.

*Charsky, D., Kish, M.L., Briskin, J., Walsh, K., Hathaway, S., & Barajas, N. (2009, November). Redesigning a course management system to enhance a college course simulation. TechTrends, 53, 6.



*Zaballero, L., Briskin, J. & Asino, T. (2015, June) Instructional Design Skills Need to Keep up With Pace of Change. Talent Management Magazine.

Paino, M. & Briskin, J. (2010, April). ISPI interactive timeline and conference Twitter chat. PerformanceXpress.

Paino, M. & Briskin, J. (2010, March). What’s in Store for YOU at THE Performance Improvement Conference 2010. PerformanceXpress.

Paino, M. & Briskin, J. (2010, February). Emerging Talent Committee: ISPI’s Commitment to the Future. PerformanceXpress.



Kapp, K. M. & Briskin, J. (May 2022) Emerging Technology and the Future of Learning. In E. Biech (Ed). The ATD Handbook for Training and Talent Development. Alexandria, VA. ATD Press.

 Briskin, J. & Land, S. M. (July 2020) Student-Centered Virtual Design Studio Environments (QS). In the Routledge Handbook of Student-Centered Learning and Instruction in Higher Education.

Zaballero, L., Asino, T., & Briskin, J. (2012). Leveraging workforce diversity utilizing technology. In Workforce Diversity in a Global Society: Technologies and Concepts.


Briskin, J., Gregg, A. & Weible, J. (2022). Perspectives from Instructional Design Professionals Experienced in Corporate, Higher Education, and K-12 Industries. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Las Vegas, NV. DOI: 10.13140

Hummel, L., Briskin, J. & Doll, H. (2022). Creating Career Pathways for Learners with a Technical Leadership Degree to Bridge Community Colleges and a Four-Year Institution. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1136-1142). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Pastore, R., Briskin, J. & Asino, T., (2017). The multimedia principle: A meta-analysis on the multimedia principle in computer-based training. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference (p. 1044-1050). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Briskin, J., Asino, T. I., Montalto-Rook, M., & Dong, Y. (2010). Smart apps: An analysis of educational smartphone applications and the implications for mobile learning. In M. Simonson (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA.


Kapp, K. & Briskin, J. (Accept to Present November 2024). Crafting Engaging eLearning: Integrate AI, Storytelling & Gamification. DevLearn, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J., & Hummel, R.L., Gregg, A., Wilson, E., & Asino, T. (Accepted Present October 2024). Navigating the Future: The Role of AI in Instructional Design (Panel). Annual Meeting for AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Wilson, E. & Briskin, J. (June 2024). Microlearning: Instruction in Small Bites. Annual Meeting for ISTE, Denver, CO.

Briskin, J., & Wilson, E. (February 2023). Incorporating AI (such as ChatGPT) into the Classroom. Annual Meeting for PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Kapp, K. & Briskin, J. (October 2023). Using Your Existing Tools to Increase Learner Engagement. DevLearn, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J., & Hummel, R. L. (March 2023). Learning through Virtual Teams: Research & Best Practices. Annual Meeting for SITE, New Orleans, LA.

Hummel, R. L. & Briskin, J. (March 2023). Teaching Instructional Design to Graduate Students Through Client-Based Team Projects. Annual Meeting for SITE, New Orleans, LA.

Weible, J., Briskin, J., & Gregg, A., & Weible, J. (March 2023). Examining Instructional Design Across Corporate, Higher Education, and K-12 Industries. Annual Meeting for SITE, New Orleans, LA.

Briskin, J., Gregg, A., & Weible, J. (October 2022). Meet Expert Instructional Designers: Learn About the Commonalities and Differences in Higher Education, K-12 Education, and Corporate Instructional Design Industries. Annual Meeting for AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J., Kapp, K., Wilson, E., Haney, C., & Schweitzer, C. (October 2022). Using Vyond to Create Engaging Videos for Microlearning Experiences. Annual Meeting for AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J., Kapp, K., Barnes, T., Dornish, Z., Bohne, R. & Shoop, S. (October 2022). Using Scenario-Based Learning for Immerse Learning Experiences. Annual Meeting for AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J., & Hummel, R.L., & Doll, H. (April 2021). Building Effective Virtual Teams. Annual Meeting for SITE, San Diego, CA.

Hummel, R.L.., Briskin, J., & Doll, H. (April 2021). Creating Career Pathways for Learners with a Technical Leadership Degree to Bridge Community Colleges and a Four-Year Institution. Annual Meeting for SITE, San Diego, CA.

Gregg, A., Briskin, J., & Weible, J. (November 2021). Microlearning and Job Analysis. Annual Meeting for AECT, Chicago, Il.

Turcotte, N., Giri, S., & Briskin, J. (November 2021). Leveraging Interaction Analysis in Research. Annual Meeting for AECT, Chicago, Il.

Turcotte, N. & Briskin, J. (November 2020). Maintaining Instructor Presence in Your Online Courses. Annual Meeting for AECT, Virtual Event.

Briskin, J. & Land, S. M. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) A Virtual Design Studio for "Making" [Structured Poster Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)

Turcotte, N. & Briskin, J. (November 2020). Maintaining Instructor Presence in Your Online Courses. Teaching Innovation Symposium 2019 at Fordham University, New York, NY.

Turcotte, N. & Briskin, J. (November 2019). Consultation: Learning Technologist. Teaching Innovation Symposium 2019 at Fordham University, New York, NY.

Briskin, J. & Hare, J. (October 2019). Developing Engaging Microlearnings. Annual Meeting for AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J., Kramer, H., & Walker, S. (October 2019). Using Articulate Storyline and 3D Video to Create eLearning Courses. Annual Meeting for AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J. & Land, S. M. (June 2019). Using A Virtual Design Studio to Support Collaborative Studio Instruction. CSCL, Lyon, France.

Briskin, J. & Seely, B. J. (March 2019). Building Effective, Collaborative Virtual Teams. SITE, Las Vegas, NV.

Seely, B. J. & Briskin, J. (March 2019). Augmented Reality Micro Activities and Knowledge Construction. SITE, Las Vegas, NV.

Briskin, J. & Land, S. M. (March 2019). 'Making' in a Virtual Studio Environment. FabLearn, New York City, NY.

Pastore, R., & Briskin, J. (February 2019). Create a Virtual Reality Lab for Your School. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Briskin, J. & Pastore, R. (February 2019). Designing Effective Presentations. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Briskin, J. & Seely, B. J. (October 2018). Enhancing Virtual Team Collaboration. Annual Meeting for AECT, Kansas City, MO.

Briskin, J. & Seely, B. J. (October 2018). Wearable Technology in Education. Annual Meeting for AECT, Kansas City, MO.

Briskin, J., Gronstedt, A. & Dillard, C. (October 2018). Modernization of Learning Through Technology, SCTE•ISBE, Atlanta, GA.

Land, S. M., Zimmerman, H. T., Maggiore, C., Kim, S. H. and Briskin, J. (April 2018). Augmenting learning about local geoscience in a children’s garden with mobile technologies. AERA, New York, NY.

Pastore, R., Briskin, J. & Asino, T.I. (Accepted to Present March 2018). The Effects of the Multimedia and Redundancy Principles in a Computer Based Environment on Adult Learners. SITE, Washington, D.C.

Briskin, J. & Pastore, R. (February 2018). Designing Effective Presentations. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Pastore, R., Briskin, J., & Pastore, R. (February 2018). Wearable technology in the classroom. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Pastore, R. & Briskin, J. (November 2017). The Multimedia Principle: A Meta-Analysis on the Multimedia Principle in Computer-Based Training. Annual Meeting for AECT, Jacksonville, FL.

Briskin, J., Land, S.M., & Chinn, G. (April 2017). Multidisciplinary methods for virtual studio development. Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, TX.

Briskin, J., Charsky, D., & Pastore, R. (February 2017) The art of effective presentations. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Pastore, R., Pastore, R., Briskin, J. (February 2017) Teaching kids to code!. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Briskin, J., Charsky, D., & Pastore, R. (2016, February) The art of effective presentations. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Pastore, R., Pastore, R., Briskin, J. (2016, February) Teaching kids to code!. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Charsky, D. & Briskin, J. (2016, October). Designing Infographics for Learning. Annual Meeting for AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Land, S. M., Zimmerman, H.T., Millet, C., Choi, & Briskin, J. (2016, April). Transforming outdoor places into learning spaces: Using iBeacons to support observations within informal science settings. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, D.C. 

Briskin, J., Charsky, D., & Asino, T. I. (2016, February) Designing Educational Infographics. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Land, S. M., Zimmerman, H.T., Millet, C., Briskin, J., & Maggiore, C. (2015, November). Using iBeacons and mobile technologies to support learning in outdoor community spaces. Annual Meeting of the AECT, Indianapolis, IN.

Briskin, J., Charsky, D., & Asino, T. I. (2015, February) Creating Educational Infographics. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Asino, T. I., Briskin, J., Techatassanasoontorn, C., & Stager, S. (2015, February) Is there really an App for that?!?!. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Briskin, J. & Holley, S. (2013, April) Managing Employee Experiences as the Differentiators in Developing and Retaining Talent. Annual Meeting for ISPI, Reno, NV.

Asino, T., Briskin, J., Techatassanasoontorn, C., & Stager, S. (2013, February) Mobile Educational Apps...So Many Choices!! PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Techatassanasoontorn, C., Asino, T.I., Briskin, J., Stager, S. J. & Yan, Yu (2013). Using Mobile Technology for Active Learning in the Big Classroom. Paper presented at the International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT). Williamsburg, Virginia, USA on November 4-6, 2013.

Carnahan, C. & Briskin, J. (2012, February) Creating Quality Online Courses and Programs. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Briskin, J. & Asino, T. (2012, February) Enhancing Student Collaboration Online. PETE&C, Hershey, PA.

Paino, M. & Briskin, J. (2011, April). eMentoring: Develop a relationship miles apart. Annual Meeting for International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), Orlando, FL.

Asino, T., Briskin, J., Techatassanasoontorn, C. (2011, February) Using “mobile devices” to supplement classroom instruction. Accepted to present at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C).

Briskin, J., Montalto-Rook, M., Asino, T., & Dong, Y. (2010, October). Smart apps: An analysis of educational smartphone applications and the implications for mobile learning.Annual Meeting for AECT, Anaheim, CA.

Charsky, D. & Briskin, J. (2009, October). Instructional designer: Your role in talent management. Annual Meeting for AECT, Louisville, KY.

Charsky, D., Kish, M.L., Briskin, J., Barajas, N., Walsh, K., & Hathaway, S. (2008, October). Re-designing a course management system to enhance a course simulation presentation. Annual Meeting for Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) international convention, Orlando, Florida.



Briskin, J. (October 2018). Vision of the Future of Technical Training and Education, Panel Moderator, Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE•ISBE), Atlanta, GA.

Rothwell, W. J., Zaballero, A., Newbauer, K., Briskin, J., & Parker, A. (2015, April) Competencies, Challenges and Trends in Instructional Design: Results of Research by ATD, IACET, and R&A. Association for Talent Development (ATD). Orlando, Fl.


Briskin, J. (September 2019) Ignite Your Learner Experience, Moderator, Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE•ISBE), New Orleans, LA.

Briskin, J. (September 2019) Ignite Your Learner Experience Learning and Development Workshop: Ignite Your Learner Experience, SCTE•ISBE, New Orleans, LA.

Briskin, J. (November 2018) Learning About Learning Webinar, SCTE•ISBE.

Briskin, J., Gronstedt, A. & Dillard, C. (October 2018). Workshop on the Modernization of Learning Through Technology, SCTE•ISBE, Atlanta, GA.


Diamandakis, V. Kapp, A., Briskin, J., & Annand, C. (Virtual Webinar October 2023). How AI and Gamification Deliver More Engaging Learning Faster. Vyond.

Gregg, A., Briskin, J., & Weible, J. (Virtual April 2022). Microlearning and Job Analysis. Organizational Training Division Meeting for AECT.

Asino, T. I, Briskin, J., & Zaballero, A. G. (2015, July). Competencies, Challenges, and Trends in Instructional Design: Research Results by ATD, IACET, and R&A. Presentation for the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). 

Briskin, J., Asino, T. I, Zaballero, A. G. Newbauer, K., & Parker, A. (2015, July). Competencies, Challenges, and Trends in Instructional Design. Presentation for ATD, 


Asino, T. I, Briskin, J., & Charsky, D. (2015, October) ‘How’d you do that? – 2015 Emerging Technology Showcase for K-12 Educators. AECT international convention, Indianapolis, IN.